Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Pacific Northwest has been good to me...

Hello dear friends,

I have been living in the wonderful city of Seattle for over a month now!  Packing up my life and moving across the country was surely one of the most challenging things I have done... ever.  But through the challenges, doubts, and times of homesickness of the past few weeks, I am more sure than ever that God has me here for a reason and I'm soaking every moment in with gratitude. And despite all of the rumors of rain and clouds, it has been beautifully bright for me thus far... they keep telling me "it's coming!" Bring it, Seattle.

For those of you who don't know... I am living in an 'intentional community' here.  Which basically means I walked into a built in family and support system from the get go.  I live with 5 other folks... 3 boys, and 2 other girls, a right modern day Brady Bunch. =)  We have lots of meals together, we laugh a ton, and we are learning how to serve and love each other and those around us as we go.  It's so incredible and has been such a blessing to me! (Me, Shoshana, and Hannah below)

We live in an adorable brick, tudor style home on the corner with a giant pear tree. It has been extremely easy for us to make this house into a home! The 3 boys live upstairs, we share the main level - which includes a spacious kitchen, a cozy dining room, living room w fire place, an extra bedroom we have made into a sweet prayer room, as well as the one and only shower in the house - which has surprisingly not been an issue! =) And the 3 girlies have made our nests in the basement... we have a craft den a tv/couch area and... each other! This is my new room...

I have had so many great opportunities to explore my new surrounding and get accustomed to the area.  Here are a few things I have learned... I love my iPhone. Traffic stinks... Parking stinks more! Fall is beautiful. Hipsters are a 'type' of people. The best latte's in the world are made here.  Wine is made just around the corner too.  You don't need a car! Bikes, feet, and busses can take you everywhere!  People have neighborhood spirit - where you choose to live says a lot about you! And most dear to my heart - there is lots of opportunity to serve here...  there is sooo much for me to take in and experience and I have only scratched the surface.

I am happy to announce that after a month of searching for the right job, God has opened the door for me to be a preschool teacher just a few miles from home.  I'll be working as a contractor on the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) campus, right on Lake Washington.  It is a beautiful place and I am very blessed to have this opportunity to use the gifts God has given me to teach these little ones!! =)

I also met a really great boy named Josh... more to come on this one, but I'll just say he's pretty awesome and I'm excited to get to know him better! =)
My cup runneth over.  God has allowed Seattle to be very good to me!  Thank you for all your love and support from afar.  I miss you all a ton and pray that we will remain close through the distance...  tata for now

Monday, June 6, 2011

I want my life to 'be about'

Are there certain things in your life you want to 'be about'.  Like, what do you want to spend your time on and be remembered for?  The legacy that you choose to leave will be what you were 'about' while you lived.  I am going through an extremely transitional season in life right now, and this is one question I am currently trying to answer for myself.  What am I currently 'about', and what do I want to really 'be about'.  I first and foremost want to be all about Jesus and all that he is about.  That strong calm balance of relentless love and compassion, yet firm and confident in all things.  That is how I want to live, Lord help me...
But then there are the silly little things I hope to 'be about' along the way too.  Like, I want to have a garden of my own.  I want to grow wonderful things from the ground, wonderful flowers and beautiful produce.  This really is a desire that I possess.  The irony is that I am awful at keeping my already grown plants alive.  I water them too late, usually when the leaves are already wilting and droopy but they usually come right back to life, really!  I have one plant in particular that was designed for me, as soon as it looks completely dead I am reminded to water it and within one day - usually I start to see results within the hour, it is perky and full of life again.  But I really want to have part of me 'be about' a real live garden...
hmm... other things I want to be about on that same playing field, in no particular order are: tea - I want to learn how to make my own tea with herbs and spices. Origami - I decided today that I want my babies to only have origami mobiles made by me!

I want to write and read in order to give and obtain knowledge or experience,  I would love to be able to speak another language, I want to travel and not be so spoiled and comfortable.  I want to be less wasteful and more thoughtful in how I consume.  As I write, I realize that I can easily choose these things and 'be about' all of them quite easily.  I want to live a life that is simply grounded in a foundation that Christ has laid for me to grow my roots and sprout and that simply and complexly creates a calm and wonderful atmosphere for others.  This life I want to 'be about' smells so incredible and is so relaxed and fulfilling.  I think these are definitely some things I will choose to 'be about'

Monday, February 21, 2011


Remember those times as a child when you would spin around in circles with your friends a million times? You always had the brilliant idea afterward to run as fast as you could?! 9 times out of 10 you would run smack dab into your dizzy friends or fall flat on your face...  This is the best analogy I can use to describe how I currently feel about my life.  I have had a blast spinning around with my friends for quite awhile now! Yet, I'm desperately desiring to run forward in a straight and affective line.  No matter how hard I try, I can't see clearly which way is right, and the chances of me falling on my face trying to get there are really really good! But, I will press on until the dizziness subsides - it can't last forever... right?  And it's quite exhilarating not knowing exactly where this path is leading me!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Newness of Life

I dwell on His goodness, mercy, and grace today.  In this new year, the beauty of His love and sacrifice will push me forward in freedom and with confidence to do His will.  This is where I live, this is the beauty I wake up to every morning... 
 Could there be a more magnificent reminder of the greatness of my creator?  I am so in love with Him, his heart, the wonder of His wisdom, and creativity.  How He can be all things to all people, at all times! What?  Amazing.  He has created new life in me and I will praise and worship Him for as long as I live! 

May this incredible day symbolize a new and precious beginning and awareness of who you are to me and what you want from me as I live out these days on earth.  Knowing that my relationship with you is the most important thing about me life.  Remind of your truth and love each day.  May I grow... grow in knowledge of you... grow in freedom through you... and grow more and more in love with you this year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Love

Ahhhh.... to begin a new year...again.  I have such a love hate, sort of bittersweet relationship with this celebrated landmark in time.  Reflecting on the progress and/or recession of 2010 (or any previous year) in the life of Danielle, can stir up a range of emotions... What have I done with all of those minutes, hours, days, and months? Is there any accurate way to measure?  Do I look at my bank account or relationship status?  How about my chosen career... or lack thereof?  Sheesh, I hope none of those factors are included this round.... It seems the older I get, the faster the years fly by and create a keen awareness of my adding age number. Along with that age and time lived, I am so much more able to appreciate and understand the changes that years of life bring.  The maturity that time brings can be calming or confusing depending on how I choose to move forward and learn.  2010 has taught or reiterated a few, or maybe just one major thing for me:

1.  Loving God is really hard, and does not seem to be getting any easier with time.  I met my incredible Savior 5 years ago, yet I am still learning to trust this wonderful being that I can't look into the eyes, or even hug after a rough day. Loving Him in the ways that I'd prefer to show love and also receive it, has become a true struggle this year.

2.  Loving people is really hard... I have realized so much about myself this year when it comes to loving or not loving the people around me.  I have come upon some really hard truths about my character and sinful nature through my relationships with others.  I am so very thankful for grace, and some wonderful blessings of friends.

3.  Love stinks... yeah yeaaaahhhh.  Just kidding... but seriously! Aside from the previous two love dilemmas in 2010 listed above,  I'm seriously not digging this wait for love. 2010 has definitely taught me that I can't rush or plagiarize this stuff, so...

2011 - I trust that you will help me to love better in all areas this year!  Looking forward to it!

