Saturday, January 1, 2011

Newness of Life

I dwell on His goodness, mercy, and grace today.  In this new year, the beauty of His love and sacrifice will push me forward in freedom and with confidence to do His will.  This is where I live, this is the beauty I wake up to every morning... 
 Could there be a more magnificent reminder of the greatness of my creator?  I am so in love with Him, his heart, the wonder of His wisdom, and creativity.  How He can be all things to all people, at all times! What?  Amazing.  He has created new life in me and I will praise and worship Him for as long as I live! 

May this incredible day symbolize a new and precious beginning and awareness of who you are to me and what you want from me as I live out these days on earth.  Knowing that my relationship with you is the most important thing about me life.  Remind of your truth and love each day.  May I grow... grow in knowledge of you... grow in freedom through you... and grow more and more in love with you this year!